CSR Communication

To know the Aderans Group activities towards most, we have lectured at events and cooperated with media to coverage.

Lectures and Coverage


The publication of our activities as case studies”
Our activities were published in the book 'Management learned from Shibusawa Eiichi's philosophy “Rongo and Soroban”' by Doyu-kan Publication.

Management learned from Shibusawa Eiichi's philosophy “Rongo and Soroban”
About this book(amazon Web site)

Coverage article “Jinji Houmu”
Coverage article “Jinji Houmu”

Writing on “Keiei-Rinri No 76”
Writing on “Keiei-Rinri No 76”

Writing on “Amiable Companies, Learn from Sanpo-Yoshi”
Writing on “Amiable Companies, Learn from Sanpo-Yoshi”

Writing on text of “The Open University of Japan”
Writing on text of “The Open University of Japan”

Coverage article “Marketing ethic saves companies”
Coverage article “Marketing ethic saves companies”

- Japan Society for Business Ethics Study
- Japan Ducker Workshop
- University of Tokyo
- Surugadai University
- OtemonGakuin University
- Kanazawa Institute of Technology
- Kansai University
- Saitama University
- Toyo University
- Kobe Gakuin University
- Sapporo Gakuin University
- Meiji Gakuin University
- Tohoku University
- Kanto Gakuin University
- Waseda University

CSR seminars at universities
CSR seminars at universities

CSR Lecture at The University of Leicester as the first Japanese enterprise

 On August 2016, our CSR department officer Mutsuo Minowa gave a lecture to MBA students at the University of Leicester in the UK for the first time as a Japanese enterprise. Minowa explained our strategic CSR, which started from a historical verification of the Three-Way-Good from Omi Merchants philosophy. This lecture was arranged by Professor Wagner of the University of Leicester, who is famous in CSR research, showed interest in our CSR.

CSR Lecture at The University of Leicester as the first Japanese enterprise
CSR Lecture at The University of Leicester as the first Japanese enterprise

Presentation at the World Conference on ESD

 We have presented our Aderans group activities at the World Conference on ESD held in Okayama in 2014. It was the final year of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005 - 2014).
ESD stands for Education for Sustainable Development. ESD promoted by UNESCO is education for the next generation necessary to shape human and earth friendly future.

Presentation at the World Conference on ESD
Presentation at the World Conference on ESD

Japanese Community FM radio KIZUNA Station

 From Great East Japan Earthquake, Japanese Community FM radio stations have been identified as significant. Our activity “Maintenance Support Service” for Wigs in “One World Project”was taken up as a special feature, broadcasted on 11th, March.

Japanese Community FM radio KIZUNA Station
Japanese Community FM radio KIZUNA Station

CSR Communication tool