Since its establishment, the Aderans Group has constantly strived to integrate the value we can create and our strengths into our business activities, aiming to offer solutions to customers' hair problems. We call this concept "value co-creation-oriented CSR activities," which can be described through the three key points below.
Point 1: Fulfilling Our CSR Through Core Business Activities
First, we integrate our CSR activities into our core business, by defining them as a growth driver that helps achieve our goal of sound and enduring corporate growth.
The Aderans Group's CSR Activities: Unique Features
The Aderans Group strives to achieve sound, enduring corporate growth underpinned by trust earned from customers and from society as a whole by extending the scope of CSR activities with social value.

Four Areas of Activities Acclaimed by External Parties
The Aderans Group has always engaged in activities with social value since its foundation. By defining these activities as "value co-creation-oriented CSR by integrating with core business" and making this concept the core of our CSR, we have stressed that these activities can help us achieve sound, enduring corporate growth underpinned by trust earned from customers and society.
Social and Regional Contributions
We started Love Charity in 1978 to provide custom-made wigs to children aged 4 to 15 who have lost their hair due to illness, injury, or other reasons. The underlying concept of this campaign is to prevent the physical trauma of hair loss from becoming an emotional scar.

Customer Comfort and Safety
We have been developing barrier-free hair salons in hospitals, offering a variety of salon services and appearance care to patients with delicate hair problems due to illness and treatment. All of our in-hospital salons are equipped with mobile salon chairs, allowing patients remain seated without moving to another chair as they receive haircut and shampoo services.

Environmental Efforts
In 2009, we launched the Fontaine Green Forest Campaign to plant trees on mountains in Japan through the environmental communication company Tuvalu-Forest Corporation.

Academic and Cultural Activities
Our original wigs for the performing arts have been used in various theaters, movies, TVs, and concerts, thereby contributing to the wig culture in Japan. Aderans has Studio AD, a group of experts in wigs and hair makeup, as its culture and entertainment department.

(Photo by Katsuhiko Hori)
With this clear direction set from the beginning, the Aderans Group's CSR activities have expanded beyond charitable work in a narrow sense and developed into dynamic activities, embodying our founding spirit and in line with our business expansion.
Point 2: Making Our Activities with Social Value Visible
Second, we have taken thorough measures to make sure that people and society can see our Group-wide activities with social value through active communication within and outside the Group.
Identifying Activities Across the Group
To identify activities with social value within the organization, we assessed all our business processes, from product planning to after-sales services, based on the CSR perspective. We took cross-sectoral and global approaches by interviewing each business department about their activities and inquiring the Group companies outside Japan about their CSR initiatives. The results of these inquiries were documented in detail.
Social and Regional Contributions
Love Charity
Supporting the Pink Ribbon Campaign
Offering wig maintenance support at the One World Project (July 1, 2012, to June 30, 2021)
Establishing endowed chair programs at universities (〜2024)
Conducting joint research with universities
Santa Smile Project
Supporting My New Hair
Donating wigs to hospitals in Thailand (suspended since the COVID-19 pandemic)
Cooperating with JHD&C
Customer Comfort and Safety
Barrier-free design and mobile salon chairs at in-hospital hair salons
Seminar on appropriate services in medical care
Activities at industry associations
ISO 9001 certification at the Thai factory
Medical wig JIS standardization
Signing the UN Global Compact
Introducing titanium for the sides of wigs
Environmental Efforts
Fontaine Green Forest: for eco cycle
Environmentally friendly Green AD Fitter
Introducing water-saving shower heads at salons
ISO 14001 certification at the Thai factory
Energy saving at salons, shops, and offices
New initiatives for wig disposal and recycling
Effectively using waste materials at the Thai factory
Using LED lighting in salons and shops
Mold making system with 3D scanners
Academic and Cultural Activities
Cultural activities through Studio AD's entertainment wigs
Supporting hair-related academic societies
Research and development on artificial hair
Providing CSR special lectures at universities and other places
Presenting our CSR practices at academic conferences
Organizing seminars at academic conferences
Organizing seminars for analysts and investors
Supporting shining people
CSR Communication Within and Outside the Group
After identifying the activities with social value, we categorized them based on their duration, importance from the CSR perspective, and scope; created a list of these activities; and have broadly shared our achievements with internal and external stakeholders on an ongoing basis. External feedback has been extremely helpful as it gives an objective perspective on our activities.
Making Our Activities Visible
Through this process, we have organized these activities, mainly those highly rated, into four categories: Social and Regional Contributions, Customer Comfort and Safety, Environmental Efforts, and Academic and Cultural Activities. To make these efforts more visible, we have created several publications including "CSR Communication Report," the CSR booklet "For Everyone's Smile," and the CSR book "All for Smiles."
CSR booklet "For Everyone's Smile"
Point 3: Expanding Our CSR Activities Within Japan, Across the World, and in New Fields
Third, but not least, our CSR activities mainly take place at salons and shops, closest to our customers, enabling us to show our commitment to ethical conduct in a dynamic manner.
We decided to create and distribute an internal CSR communication booklet "For Everyone's Smile," instead of providing employee training, as a way to share how external stakeholders see our activities. This booklet has brought quite positive impacts on employees. By using it to share the Group's CSR activities at sales meetings and other occasions, employees have been able to reflect on their work, realizing CSR activities are part of their work instead of an additional burden, and discover valuable activities conducted at the company.
Having learned about our CSR activities, our salon and shop staff members started sharing the booklet not only with their families but customers as well, offering it with their own smiles.
The scope of our activities is also expanding through collaboration between sales departments and the CSR office. For example, we have made presentations titled "Hair care and wigs" at seminars for customers organized by securities and insurance companies. Our sales leader has also given a special lecture titled "CSR to enhance corporate value and a sense of belonging" at a university.

Our activities also extend globally beyond Japan. For example, our Group companies have launched in-hospital wig shops and salons in Sweden, the Netherlands, and Germany. In the UK, through a charity activity by a renowned hairdresser, we help hairstylists learn how to handle wigs. At our production base in Thailand, employees plant trees to help protect the environment.

* Please see the "Our Initiatives Across the World" page for more details.
Our unique value co-creation-oriented CSR is made possible through the effective combination of these three key features.